Agency Name | American Cancer Society |
Categories | Medical & Wellness |
Contact Name | Jennifer Highland |
Agency Email | |
Agency Address |
747 Camden Avenue Suite B Campbell, CA 95008 |
Agency Phone | 408.871.1062 |
Web Address | |
Office Hours | |
Distance from Campus | |
Nearest Bus Lines | |
Mission Statement | The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service. |
Volunteer Duties | Plan Relay for Life (be apart of the planning committee) we meet bi-weekly to make Relay happen on campus. We also need help from 4am Saturday - 11am Sunday to actually help at Relay itself! Form your own Relay for Life team! Gather together 8 to 15 of your favorite people who love having fun and making a difference. Be a part of the committee! Committee members are now being recruited for team recruitment:corporate sponsorship; logistics; entertainment; registration/accounting; survivorship; onsite volunteers; onsite activities and food and many more! Volunteer at the event! We need volunteers who will help with the needs at the site itself on the day of the event. Relay for Life is the signature activity of the American Cancer Society. More than 4,800 events take place nationwide, and now, even around the world in countries like Singapore and Australia. With the help of people like you, Relay for Life has become the largest activity of its kind in the country raising $375 million in 2008! But more than a fundraiser, Relay for Life is: A way to CELEBRATE our cancer survivors. At every Relay for Life, cancer survivors are honored for their courage and strength by beginning the event with an honorary lap. The individuals are celebrated in various ways from food and t-shirts, to dances and games! A time to REMEMBER those lost at our luminaria ceremony. Survivors and those who are no longer with us are honored at this one-of-a-kind ceremony. Paper bags bearing the names of loved ones line the track and often the entire stadium. A candle/glowstick is placed inside and lit at dusk. Often the names of all the bags are read to the sound of heartfelt music. This moving, memorable portion of the event is often the most powerful time of the entire Relay for Life activity. FIGHT BACK today by volunteering or forming a team! |
Notes | 5/24/19 |